
Chinese (Taiwanese) Language Exchange

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He looks for :  German language exchange
Hallo zusammen, bin 29 Jahre alt ,ein Buddhist und interessiere mich für die Kultur,Lebensweise,Wertvorstellung der Religion in Deutschland....Über alle Themas können wir reden. Hobbys:Meditation,Lesen(meistens Abenteur-Romans),wandern, vor kurzem Kalligraphie. ich schwärme mich besonders für traditionelle chinesische Medizin. Lernziel: bin relativ unkompetent beim mündlichen Ausdruck,folglich möchte ihn einigermassen verbessern. Als ein Chinesisch Muttersprachler helfe ich Dir sehr gerne bei jegliche chinesisch-relevante Fragen :) per Internet kommunizieren erwünscht!
She looks for :  Japanese language exchange
はじめまして アリナです。アメリカで7年住んでいて今マレーシア住んでいます。色々な音楽とゲームが大好きです!私は音楽大学で卒業しました。PS5やswitchをやります。時々ゲーム配信しています。 日本語を勉強したいから毎週に一度一緒に電話で言語交換できる友達を募集しています。 また、ゲームできる友達も募集します。 よろしくお願いします! 你好 ,我是Alyna 我在美國居住了六年,現在在馬來西亞居住。 我很喜歡不同類型的音樂和遊戲。我的專業是音樂。遊戲的話,我玩ps5和switch的遊戲. 偶爾會在Twitch 直播。 我想學習日語、所以在尋找可以每個星期一次與我通話進行語言交換的朋友。 另外,能夠一起玩遊戲的朋友,也可以聯繫我。 請多多指教。 Hi, I am Alyna. I lived in America for the past 6 years, and currently I’m staying in Malaysia. I love all kinds of music and games. My major is music. For games, I love playing ps5 and switch's games. I sometimes stream my gameplay. I want to learn Japanese so I would like to search for friends who can on call with me every once in a week to learn with me. Besides, if you can play games with me, please contact me too. Looking forward to hearing from you!
She looks for :  English language exchange
Hi I am Dolly. I'm not interested in romance. Just would like to find a language exchange partner to improve my English. If you are interested in Mandarin or the local Taiwanese language, please do not hesitate to contact me. ^^
He looks for :  English language exchange
Hello lovely people, I'm a native Chinese speaker from Taiwan who's about to work in the UK as a dentist. I'm also a fan of British culture and still learning English, so hopefully I can find some language parters to level up each other's skills, cheers 😉
hey im current in my last year of high school and im new in the web! really hope to talk with all of you guys!! im into movies and books,recently definitely like Dragon of The House best-- anyway let's chat!!!!!
He looks for :  German language exchange
I speak Mandarin Chinese and English. I am passionate in improving German. I love tennis and traveling.
Hello! My name is Jean. I'm from Taiwan. I like making friends from around the world. My hobbies are films, books, music, photography, food, voyage, and nature. I am indifferent and distant to those I'm not familiar with, yet fun and friendly with those I trust. An optimistic pessimist. A walking contradiction. Nice to meet you;) はじめまして。 ジュンです。私は台湾人です。 今日本語の勉強をしています。 日常生活、趣味などについて会話できる人を探しています。 趣味は映画鑑賞、音楽、読書、写真撮影、アニメと旅行です。 よろしくお願いします!
She looks for :  English language exchange
Hello! I’m Sophia come from Taiwan~ I’m native Chinese speaker I’m international business student ,so I want to find an exchange language partner to improve my English speaking ! My hobby is listening music,watching Netflix and chatting with my friends If you want to improve your Chinese,texting me anytime:)
He speaks :  Chinese (Taiwanese)
He looks for :  Japanese language exchange
こんにちは Benson です 日本語を勉強したいです 今台湾に住んでいます 日本旅行が好きです どうぞよろしくお願いします
She speaks :  Chinese (Taiwanese)
Hi, I am Mika, Taiwanese, Chinese native speaker 🦥 I am improving my English and learning French now, if you are willing to do the language exchange, don’t hesitate to give me a message!